Prayer for America

How can we not give thanks for the way that You have overseen our nation?
From our very beginnings we have been evolving and becoming more free.
From within, you have inspired prophetic change for the poorest among us.
From without, you have set us as a city on a hill. A place of hope for immigrants.

Yet we have a long ways to go in our quest to bring your kingdom on earth.
Shower our nation with love for our fellow citizens and those who are not like us.
Shower us with grace that we might be a people who see the best in each other.
Shower our leaders with wisdom that they might lead in ways of peacemaking.

We pray Dear Lord that, one soul at a time, your kingdom will come in America.
That the sick, the hurting and the despondent will be ministered to and healed.
That the most blessed among us will capture a vision of sharing their good fortunes.
That blessed hope would be our banner and divine love would be motto.

So to you we pray. To you we place our hope. Yours is the kingdom. Forever.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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