Mysterious Journey

Sometimes life can be a puzzle. My current bout with cancer is an illustration of this. A few weeks ago the doctors seemed to be sure that my cancer had moved to my liver and was therefore inoperable. Now a recent biopsy has come back negative, and it may be operable after all (more tests are required). Sometimes we need to trust God even when life does not seem to make sense.


I thank You that You know what is going on even when we do not. Help us to trust You in whatever difficulties we find ourselves in. Help us to trust Your will. even if we do not know what is happening. And give us Your peace through the ups and downs of the circumstances we do not understand.

In Jesus' Name,

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Praising God that He still performs miracles! I do not believe in coincidence. He is the Author of life and Hallelujah he is still working on you! Continuing to believe !! Our God is faithful and good. All the time!


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