Prayer of Lament

How long?
How long must parents mourn the death of children
Disease, hunger, war, or their own hand?
How long must children watch parents waste away?
Disease, dementia, or simply age

How long must families, friendships, communities be torn apart?
Selfishness and sin
How long must people and nations be destroyed?
Hatred and war

How long must the land be devastated?
Floods, tornadoes, hurricanes
How long must the earth groan?
Belching fire and tearing violently asunder

Creation is broken. It is not supposed to be this way

How long?
How long must we wait
Reunion with loved ones?
How long must we wait
Relationships set right?

How long must we wait?
Creation set right
How long must we wait?
Disease, pain, death ended

How long must we wait?
Anticipating your return
How long must we wait?
Resurrection and the death of death

We long for the way it is supposed to be

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