Facing Death

I have recently found out my cancer may have spread to my liver. It is not yet absolutely clear this is so, but if it true, it is inoperable and there is nothing more the doctors can do but try to give me a slightly longer length of life. Apart from a miracle of God, I would would only have a few more months of life.


I pray for all those who are facing the very real possibility of approaching death. I pray for peace and courage to face this. I pray for this also for their family and friends. I pray they may turn to you for Your gift of eternal life and trust in You to face the foe Your Son has already conquered. Still our fears and bring those who trust in You safely to the desired haven.

In Jesus' Name,

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Mike , I pray for complete healing of your cancer In Jesus Name !!!! Please check out this article ...God Bless !!!!! http://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/ed-crushing-stage-four-liver-cancer-with-cannabis-oil/

  2. I'm sorry you are having to go through this time of uncertainty and fear of the unknown. But i am thankful you know where your Victory lies! Our God is mighty and powerful and He is the ultimate Healer! praying for your liver test to be clear, protection for the rest of your organs and a miraculous touch from our Savior! Keep your eyes on Him Mike. Reach out and touch the hem of His garment!

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  4. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. We have the hope and peace in the Lord, but yet there is still some fear of uncertainties for self and family. I pray that you will physically, mentally and emotionally find this hope and peace that only comes from God - peace not the world gives but Jesus, who is himself the Prince of Peace. And they are eternal in the Lord, so fear not for he is with you, both now and forevermore. (((Hugs)))

  5. Abba, I pray for your beloved son Mike. Heal him of his cancer and restore him. As he waits for your healing give him peace and a deep sense of your love and goodness to him. Let your name be hallowed and your Kingdom come and your will be accomplished through this. Comfort Mike and his family and let them know your love. Amen


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