The Little Things

Sometimes it seems like it is the little things that  get to me. You would think that having pancreatic cancer would put other things in perspective. I am pleased to say that sometimes it does. But at other times (depending no doubt on my attitude), it can seem like one more thing on an already overloaded cart. I fell and slightly bruised my back yesterday. And I find this harder to trust God for than the fact I am facing life and death and the doctors still do not know which way I am leaning toward.


Help us to trust You for the little things. Help us to remember that You are involved in all our lives. Help us not to have the attitude that we can handle these without You (we cannot). Help us to turn to You early and not after all else fails. Help to see everything in the perspective of Your love and power.

In Jesus' Name,

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, I am walking this battle with my sister ( almost 4 years now) and one thing the LORD has shown me....He is faithful. I am praying for you my friend. Praying peace unexplainable. Praying joy incomprehensible. Praying strength unfathomable. Keep your eyes on the One who heals. The One who works miracles. The One who loves us and is faithful always.


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