This morning I was reading the Daily Bread devotion the title was
"The Fragrance of Christ"
How appropriate and how timely ~ In II Corinthians 2:14-17 Paul reminded the Christians there that they were the aroma of Christ.  "For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ."
When we walk into a room, do people smell the fragrance of Christ in our lives, our smile, our compassion, our availability.  I hope that's true of me.  That's what I long for ~ to represent my Lord with the sweetest fragrance.  Sometimes that all that's needed and more powerful than any words.

Dear Lord ~ I long to be the fragrance of Christ that will sweeten the place you have place me to live out my earthly life.  A sweet fragrance that will lift up others, encourage their hearts, spur them on to many good works in your name.  Lord you have sweetened my life with your gift of Salvation and the forgiveness of all my sins, past ~present~ and future.  May my life give back to You the sweetness you have given me.  I love You.  Amen.


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