It's time

Too many times our prayer lives are limited, half-hearted and inconsistent.  The prosperous times in our lives seem to be the times we are the least connected to our Father in heaven. The times when things are going smoothly are the times we find ourselves neglecting our time of communion with our LORD.

Sadly, those periods of self-sufficiency are the beginning of our undoing. When we lean towards our own selves and start to think we have it all together, it's time to prepare ourselves for an awakening of sorts.

You see, it's in the trials and tribulations of our lives that we draw near to God. It's in the times of uncertainty that we hit our knees in desperation.  It's when events take place in our lives where things are out of our hands that we finally turn to Christ and prostrate ourselves before Him in deep need.

Some times we force God to take drastic measures  to turn our attention back to Him. He will allow things to happen in our lives to cause us to turn our focus back to where it should be. On Him.

Let's not wait until the unthinkable happens to develop consistent prayer lives. Let's not wait until tragedy strikes to begin crying out to God. Let's begin to carve out a specific time of our day to just get with God in prayer and praise. Make time for fervent prayer. Make time for fervent praise. Make time for the One who created us and loves us.

"I lift my eyes toward the mountains.  Where will my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."
(Psalm 121:1,2)


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