God of All Comfort

Well, my time of waiting and wondering is over; I have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The doctor thinks it is still small and operable, but ultimately it is in the hand of God.


I thank You that life and death, ill health and wellness, are in Your hand. I  pray not only for myself, but for all those who suffer from serious illness, for Your healing touch. But more than that, for the ability to trust in You. That whatever happens we may face it with our eyes fixed on You.

In Jesus' Name,

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Mike sorry to hear the news, but your faith and attitude is an inspiration. We will be praying for you and the doctors that decide the best treatment. Thanks for your faithfulness on the prayer blog. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Wanda and Don Slaven

  2. Hi Mike, so sorry to hear that. Praying with you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, you have the peace of God that passes all understanding.

  3. Praying God's healing power upon you Mike, will be lifting you and your family up to the throne of Grace fervently!

  4. Praying God's healing power upon you Mike, will be lifting you and your family up to the throne of Grace fervently!

  5. Marcy God, please give me a peace with my adult daughter, I have so much problem with my daughter "Angel" that her name.

  6. Tammy Macauley

  7. Go to www.felicitycorbinwheeler.org Mike. She is a Sister who had pancreatic cancer over ten years ago, and had only six weeks to live at the time! She is on YouTube, and she was giving her testimony today (29/02/2016) on Revelation TV (Get Well, Stay Well) Blessings!


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