We can know He hears us

One of the most treasured gifts that comes from a intimate and personal relationship with Christ is the amazing privilege to communicate with Him through prayer. It is our lifeline. It is our saving grace in times of trouble. It is one thing that we can count on always being available to us.

The Word tells us over and over again that when we cry out, He hears! I don't know about you but that is HUGE to me. That brings me comfort. That brings me peace. That brings overwhelming serenity to my spirit.

My God hears my cries. He hears the utterance of my lips when I lift my voice to Him. 

In Psalm 55 David says this:

"Give ear to my prayer, O God,
and do not hide Yourself from my
supplication. Attend to me
and hear me." 

David knew that His God could hear him. He knew that God would respond to His cries. We, too, can have that kind of intimate relationship with our LORD. We can know with certainty that when we cry out, our God hears our voices. He listens. He cares. He responds. 

Our prayer life is a direct reflection of who we say God is in our lives. Let's make a resolution to be prayer warriors. Let's make a resolution to bring not only our petitions to Him but our praises as well. It's time to get on our faces before Him and be women and men of prayer!

Father God, help us to see you for who you really are! Help us to spend time with you daily on our knees and in Your Word. Help us to know that when we cry out, You hear. Give us comfort that only comes from being in Your Presence and give us the desire to seek You every day. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for hearing us. Thank you for being our Father, Savior and LORD.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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