Praying Psalm 91 | under your wings we find refuge

Lord we are thankful that we are living in your shelter and we are protected in the shadow of your power.

We confess that you are our refuge and fortress when we are afraid. Our God in whom we trust.

You are a mighty deliverer capable of snatching our souls from the traps of the enemy and the flesh. You are able to defeat everything that comes against us.

Our trust is in you Lord!

You Lord have covered us and under your wings we find refuge. Your faithfulness is a shield and buckler to those who take refuge in you.

Because of you Lord we will not fear the terrors of the night. Nor the arrows that fly by day. Nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness. Nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

Calamity may come to a thousand; ten thousand may be pursued by evil; but it will not come near us because you are with us.

Our trust is in you Lord!

We have made you our dwelling place Lord. Your presence is precious to us. You are our refuge. Your promise is that no evil shall be allowed to befall us; no plague come near our house.

We rejoice that you have commanded your angels concerning us to guard us in all our ways. On their hands they will bear us up lest we injure our bodies.

We are thankful that you are our protection from all manner of danger. You will shield us from all harm. You will watch over us.

Our trust is in you Lord!

We run to you and hold fast to you in love. We look to you for deliverance and confess the name of Jesus as we pray.

Thank you Lord that you hear us when we pray. Out of your goodness you respond to us and are always there.

We bless your name because you have promised to be with us in trouble, to rescue us, to honor us, to satisfy us and to save us.

Our trust is in you Lord!

First published here on December 14, 2009

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1 comment:

  1. Amen and amen. How good our God is. I wholeheartedly pray psalm 91 with my brother and sister believers. And also the submission prayer. Our trust is in you Lord and we give all of ourselves to you and pray Your will be done and that our lives reveal Your glory to the world.


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