John 10:10 "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy."

Dear Lord, with the horrible attacks on Paris by Isis, it only shows us once again that those Isis Terrorists are like Satan in human skin.  Their motive, desire and actions are to STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY.

But the rest of that verse Lord, tells us YOU have come to give us LIFE and to the fullest.  What a comforting promise.

Lord, we are so saddened at the senseless loss of innocent lives at the hands of these evil men who  worship a false God, and think that by killing innocent people they are pleasing him.

We fall on our knees and pray that some measure of peace and comfort can come to the families of those who died, and those that are wounded and in hospitals.

We love you and long for your return to set up Your Kingdom, but until then give us courage in the face of danger, and boldness to share your Gospel with anyone who will listen.  YOU are the only answer.  I love You.  Amen


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