For the Passion and Death of your Divine Son
we thank you Father
through the Cross, He redeemed the world.
For the Church
we thank you Father
it is our beacon for salvation.

For the martyrs and saints who give testimony to your Son
we thank you Fathertheir witness to your Son is our inheritance.

For our loved ones and friends who have died and gone before us
we thank you Father
their love abides with us forever.

For loving spouses
we thank you Father
together we seek you.

For the gift of children
we thank you Father
they are your precious gifts to us and to the world.

For the gift of our families, loved ones and good friends
we thank you Father
Through them we see the reflection of your Son.

For jobs, our homes and all that we have
we thank you Father
give us only that which we need, as we seek Your Kingdom.

Prayer and image from


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