Painful Summer

This has been a hard summer for me. My wife was diagnosed with cancer. (She is currently going through chemo-therapy and doing well under the circumstances, but we are not out of the woods yet.) I have a pain in my side the doctors cannot seem to diagnose for sure yet. (The best guess is it is my gallbladder, but it is not clear). And just last week the church congregation I have been part of for about fourteen years lost its pastor and closed its doors. And today I turn 60 years old, which is an interesting turning point. But God is faithful.


I thank that You we can praise You even in difficult times. I thank You that we can trust You to bring us through. I pray for all those who are going through painful times, that You will be near to them and will bring them through the storm. Help us to trust you whatever situation we are in.

In Jesus' Name,

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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