I would pray, O Lord, not only for myself but for all the household to which I belong, for all my friends and all my fellow workers, beseeching Thee to include them all in Thy fatherly regard.  I pray also ~~

 for all who will today be faced by any great decision
for all who will today be engaged in settling affairs of moment
 in the lives of men and nations.
for all who are moulding public opinion in our time.
for all who write what other people read;
for all who are holding aloft the lamp of truth
in a world of ignorance and sin.
for all whose hands are worn from too much toil,
and for the unemployed whose hands today fall idle;
for those who have not where to lay their head.

O Christ my Lord, who for my sake and my brethren's didst forgo all earthly comfort and fullness, forbid it that I should ever live unto myself.  Amen

~A Diary of Private Prayer ~ John Baillie


  1. Pray for micah stoltzfus fighting for his life after falling in the pool

    1. Asking the Lord to minister on Micah's behalf. Also praying for the medical professionals and family members.

  2. In prayer for you Martha. Praying for complete healing. Thank you for your request and letting the prayer blog join you in prayer.


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