I falter where I firmly trod,
And falling with my weight of cares
Upon the great world's altar-stairs
That slope thro' darkness up to God,
 stretch lame hands of faith and grope...
for words to pray.

Eternal God, who hast been the hope and joy of many generations, and who in all ages hast given men the power to seek Thee and in seeking to find Thee.  Grant me I pray a clearer vision of Thy truth, a greater faith in Thy power, and a more confident assurance of Thy love.

When the way seems dark before me, give me faith to walk trustingly.

When much is obscure to me, let me be all the more faithful to the little that I can clearly see.

When insight falters, let obedience stand firm.

What I lack in faith let me repay in love.  Amen

Image taken in Brooking OR
Prayer from John Bailee's A Diary of Private Prayer


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