Prayer for Graduates

Father, a little prayer for all those graduating from high school of which our grandson Elijah is one. Many roads, avenues and opportunities lie before them. Give them wisdom to make good choices, determination to pursue their goals and discipline to stay the course. May you also watch over them in your gracious providence and loving protection.  Help them to understand how much that need your presence in their lives and the enormous benefit of trusting you.

We are proud of what they have accomplished and look forward to their greater achievements. It is a world of great challenges they are entering and I pray they will bring excitement, joy and hope in all of their endeavors. They are our future leaders; help them to embrace the honor of that calling and to exercise their gifts and talents with integrity. The mantle will soon be on them, may they wear it with dignity and fulfill your purpose for their lives. For Your glory we pray in the name of our Lord and Savior.


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