When we were children, the monsters of the dark seemed real and fanged, lurking in the hallway just outside our door.  We heard the thunderous footfalls in the gloom.  But they turned out to be only our father who heard us crying and came to comfort us.  We never saw him in the darkness.  But we felt his touch and knew he was there.  The universe is vast and sometimes dark, but we are not alone.   ~~Calvin Miller (1936-)

Proverbs 29:25  "Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe."

You , O Lord are my salvation.  Why should I fear those who can only kill the body and after that,  can do no more.  Abraham denied his wife, Saul forfeited his kingdom, and Peter betrayed his Savior.  All these were foolish deeds, provoked by misplaced fear.  But to fear You, my Lord, is the beginning of wisdom.  So I will put my trust in You and I will not be afraid of what anyone can do to me.  I love You.  Amen.

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Prayer ~ Maranatha Worship Bible


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