It Was A Silent Sabbath

Father as I ponder the Sabbath Day between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday here’s what comes to my mind.
The mob clambering for Jesus death had dispersed to their homes and were now silent. The Roman Soldiers who had taunted and tortured Jesus had returned to their barracks and were now silent. The Sanhedrin Court where Jesus was given a mock trial was now silent. Pilate the Roman Governor who had futilely attempted to release Jesus was now in deep silent thought as he considered the uncertainty of his own future. The Apostles scattered by the fear and possibility of their own death were now silent behind closed doors. Joseph and Nicodemus having buried Jesus body now in silent grief considered their great loss. Heaven itself was silent on that sacred Sabbath, a silence like no other.
But soon this foreboding silence was to be shattered: “After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, 2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone….. Matthew 28:1-2 (NIV)

Father, the sound of the rolling, rumbling earthquake shattered the silence of that Sabbath, shook the universe and the Angel gave a message that will never be silenced: “He is risen from the dead!” Luke 24:6 (NLT)

Yes, Father, it was a silent Sabbath, but not for long!


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