Difficult things...

Oswald Chambers says, 
"Thank God He gives us difficult things to do!"

Our prayer should be for God to give us those things to do that are hard. Those things that are difficult in our eyes. It is during those times that we will experience spiritual growth. It is during those times that God will stretch us and use us. It is during those times our walk becomes perfected to match our talk. So, ask God to give you more than you think you are capable of because He is able. Especially during the difficult things!

"If God is for us, who can be against us?"
(Romans 8:31) KJV


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. please can you pray for my merry and my business, i have a lot difficult thing. Please thank you

    1. Asking the Lord to help you in this difficult time.


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