Jesus did not say, "Come to me and get it over with."  He said, "If any man would come after me, let him take up his cross daily and follow me."  Daily is the key word.  Our commitment to Christ, however genuine and whole-hearted it may be today, must be renewed tomorrow ... and the day after that ...and the day after that ... until the path comes at last to the river.  ~Louis Cassels 1922-1974)

Dear Lord, daily living for you is sometimes difficult with so many things in life trying to crowd you out.  I pray that I might remember the key to walking with You is DAILY.  Lord, help me to carve out time every day to fellowship with you, read your word and share my deepest secrets.  Give me the daily strength to bear my cross and follow in Your footsteps.  I love You.  Amen.

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