babbling or prayer

 "My soul thirsts for God, for the living God"
Psalm 42:2


Prayer gets its intensity by the depth and strength of our spiritual desire. Prayer is not a performance. Prayer is not vain babbling.

E.M. Bounds says,  "The urgency of our desire holds us to the thing desired with sustained courage." 

Prayer stays. Prayer pleads. Prayer persists. It refuses to let go until the blessing has come...

Father God, give us intense longing to approach your Throne of Grace. Fill us with a strong desire to whisper sweet petitions from the depth of our hearts to your Holy ears. Guide us in our prayers that they be more than vain babbling but that they be earnest, heartfelt and born out of a deep hunger for your touch. We give you praise and honor and all glory.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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