REasons to REad God's REvelation

Today we will look at REfocus.

Psalm 119:37 "Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word."

Dear Lord, it seems like refocusing is a daily necessity.   I want to come to that place in my walk and faith that I can stay focused on what matters most.  What matters to You.  What you want for my life.  Help me to be focused in Your WORD, so like the verse above, you will preserve my life.  Everything we need for life and practice is found in your Word, dear Lord.  Keep me focused and when I stray, prick my heart and cause me to stop and refocus on YOU.  I love You.  Amen.

REasons to REad God's REvelation ~ So God can . . . .

REscue Me
REexamine Me
REpair Me
REfuel Me
REplenish Me
REinvigorate Me
REfocus Me


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