Prayer for Migraines

I have been battling headaches and migraines for two months now. Please pray with me.

For everyone who is suffering from headaches and migraines I pray.

Lord, release them from stress and muscle tightness.

Touch and heal the source of their pain and discomfort.

Give them wisdom and help from concerning medical professionals.

Bring encouragers and comforters to alleviate their pain.

In all things be glorified in those who suffer from headaches and migraines.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. When I saw the title, Bob, I thought Martha had posted the prayer... I know she suffers from migraines too. I will be praying for all of you that have that curse in your life. Satan knows how to hit us in the tender spot. Lord I pray you will break the chains of Satan in everyone who is suffering with a migraine. You are the healer. Amen.

  2. Praying for all who suffer with migraines, including my sister.


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