
Dear Lord,
It's been a rough few weeks. We've had some really discouraging days, and in the midst of it all I came to realize that I really hate marriage conferences, especially when my husband and I are struggling. They didn't tell us anything new, and after most of the sessions I was doing all I could to fight back the tears. I came home discouraged. We still weren't getting along and it felt as though nothing could ever make it better. Deep inside I was terribly angry and I've come to realize that I often nurse those bitter thoughts by justifying them rather than giving them to you, Jesus. I don't immediately cry out for help. Instead I often dig in my heels and hold onto my pride as tightly as I think my husband hangs onto his, and that only takes us farther down a road that neither of us wants to travel. Tonight, I thank you, Lord, for walking the road with us, for turning us back in the right direction, and giving us hope.
I pray that you would use us as an encouragement to not only our friends, but our children as well. Please forgive my anger and unforgiveness. Thank you for loving me when I am unlovable and undeserving, for filling me with Your spirit, and making me able to love others even when I find them (temporarily) unlovable.

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