Desire For Sensitivity

Sometimes I feel like I blunder through life, insensitive to the needs and struggles of the people around me. I also can be insensitive to their need to know and follow Christ. It is easy to shrug this off by saying I am shy or I just do not know what to say. Or to feel like I am being nosy or pushy if I say anything. But I have to admit this is a real weakness of mine.


I pray for myself and all your children, that we might be sensitive to those around us. That you will give us the wisdom to know what to say or what not to say. That you will help us to be bold enough to help, without being obnoxious enough to drive people away. Help us to be those who care about others and do not just rush about on our own business, oblivious to those around us who are hurting.

In Jesus' Name,

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