Simons Cross

Matthew 27:32 (ESV)  
    "As they went out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. They compelled this man to carry his cross.”

Father as I think about this passage and consider this man Simon I marvel at his unique honor and incredible privilege to help carry the cross of Christ. In doing this, though so reluctantly, he stands alone in history as the only one to serve the Savior in this way.

On Simon’s garment, arms and hands must have been blood from Jesus’ lacerated back which dripped from the cross prior to Simon shifting it to his shoulders. What was an infamous moment for Simon became glorious for all time. The emotions Simon felt as he carried the cross must have nearly overwhelmed him. And I am sure that as he thought back, later in life on this sacred event, he must have bowed in humility and worship of such a holy memory.   

Christ’s cross became Simons cross as it does for all of Jesus followers. And Father may we say with the Apostle Paul:   “….God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…” Galatians 6:14 (KJV)  Yes Father it was a glorious cross Simon carried and a glorious cross we serve because of the Glorious Christ who sacrificed his life for us on it. 


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