Last week I shared how God can RESCUE me.  This week I've been reflecting on how God can REexamine Me.

Psalm 119:80  "May my heart be blameless towards your decrees, that I may not be put to shame."

Dear Lord, this week the news has been filled with so many things that break our hearts.  We see evil at every turn.  We see men we trusted telling lies, we see people not calling evil, evil and we look to You for help.   Lord we are sinful, prone to wander, so today I pray that all of us will take this verse to heart and REexamine our own hearts and motives and be able to say we are blameless toward your decrees.  That we are obedient followers so we are not caught in sin and put to shame.  We love your Word Lord, because it is our manual for Life and Living.  I love You.  Amen!

REscue Me
REexamine Me


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