The Lord Provides

This was a week when my wife and I were short on money (happens occasionally). And it reminded me that my idea of being short on money is minor compared to what others experience in real poverty and hunger.


I thank You that You are the God who provides. I pray for those in real need, that You would provide for their needs. I pray for those who are Your people, that You will help them to trust in You and have Your peace, in spite of whatever difficulties they may find themselves in. I pray for those of us who, in spite of occasional financial struggles, are doing fairly well, that we will trust You in our situation and put it in perspective. And help us to have the desire to help those who are less fortunate than we are to the extent that we can.

In Jesus' Name,


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. So true. To have a grateful heart no matter what the situation is all God wants from us. Your prayer says it so well.

  2. Oh, yes, I have been there! And then my husband and I go to Africa or Central America and we truly see the need and are ashamed and humbled at our abundance. Thank you Mike for this truth!

    1. It is so easy for us to forget how much of the rest of the world lives.


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