People of prayer

Samuel was a man of prayer. His prayers always had an affect on God and moved God to do things that He had otherwise decided against. Through Samuel, the nation of Israel experienced revival and David was one of the fruits of that harvest. 

Samuel gives us a solid word in his book. A word that we need to practice in our everyday lives. A word of prayer for others.

"As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against
the Lord by failing to pray for you"
(1 Samuel 12:23) NIV

What a great reminder to us that we need to stand in the gap for our family and friends. We need to stand in the gap for the lost. For those around us that we may not know. For our nation and our world. We need to armor up and be a people of prayer to a God that hears and responds!

Thank you, Lord, for hearing the cries of your people. Thank you for loving us and and equipping us to do your work for your glory! Help us be a people of prayer.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Beth, what a great reminder. I want to be one willing to stand in the gap. Thanks for sharing.


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