GOD CAN , , ,

For the next few weeks I want to share something our Pastor shared with us.  Praying Scripture is always a good idea and this gives me some direction.  They all begin with RE

REasons to REad God's REvelation  So God Can.....

REscue Me ~ Psalm 119:153  "Look upon my suffering and deliver me, for I have not forgotten your law.'

Dear Lord, I want to stay in your Word Lord, and know that when I am suffering you will deliver me.  You will Rescue Me...Lord, I will not forget your law.  I love You and I love Your Word.  Amen


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jesus is my REdeemer!!!! Thanks for this post . I'm in need of healing! I know I can REly on God's word & for his wonderful grace, mercy & all his promises!!! God is faithful , I will REceive his blessings!!! I am REborn & REnew!!!! I will submit myself to God & REbuke & REsist the devil and he will flee & I will REgain Freedom! Thank you God for your everlasting love & for your beloved son Jesus, & Jesus Thank you for the price you paid for my salvation, the power of the cross I will always REmember what you have done for us sinners! Thank You Holy Spirit, for REjoicing in my heart today.


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