A New Prayer

Dear Lord,
It's another new year. I haven't lived up very well to all those resolutions I've made in years past. It makes me a bit hesitant to offer up any more declarations... I'm absolutely certain You are still molding and shaping me, changing my attitudes, and showing me areas of my heart that need cleansing. I'm not done being changed, but the changing needs to come from You. This year I pray that You will open my eyes and ears that I might see and hear those things that You are showing and speaking to me. Sometimes I'm afraid I still don't want to see or hear, so Lord, I pray that my heart would be softened and pliable, that I wouldn't need to face great pain or sorrow in order to surrender my will to yours. And Lord, this year I pray that I would learn to love deeper, to give more freely. I'm supposing You will offer plenty of opportunities for practice, so please help me to have my eyes open and heart ready when those times arise.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Martha, I do relate to your prayer...I pray that my heart would be softened and pliable, that I wouldn't need to face great pain or sorrow in order to surrender my will to yours.


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