Our help

"Our help is in the name of the Lord, 
who made heaven and earth." 
(Psalm 124:8)

Over and over, in the Word of God, we see the vast importance of prayer in the lives of Chrisitians. His Word tells us to look up! It tells us to cry out! It tells us that He and He alone is our help! So, why do we neglect this powerful gift that comes from Him? 

We need to understand that prayer is the greater work of the church and the people. We also need to understand that a working knowledge of the bible is extremely valuable and utterly important to our prayer life.

 How necessary is prayer in our lives? We will accomplish little of eternal significance apart from prayer. It is indeed an awesome responsibility in our lives, but it is an even more exquisite honor. An honor that we need to treasure and cultivate and use to bring glory and honor and praise to our God and King. 

May the Lord show us the power of prayer in our lives in a new and enlightening way this week!

Lord, we lift up humble hearts to You today and ask that You impart upon our spirits the importance of communing with You continually! May our hearts be drawn to Your side and may we truly recognize You for who You are. Our God and our King, Our very present help. Our Creator and our Lord. Empower us today, Oh God, to be prayers warriors who seek You in all that we do and say.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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