Today Don and I stopped at IN-N-OUT Burger after running a few errands.  I knew they have John 3:16 stamped on the bottom of their beverage cups, but today I turned over the little container of fries and it had Proverbs 24:16 stamped on the bottom.  We are all familiar with John 3:16, but do you know what that verse in Proverbs says without looking it up.  I didn't but was impressed with it.

". . .for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity."

That's the difference of us that claim the righteousness of Jesus Christ in our lives.  We have difficult circumstances, broken relationships, death of a loved one, financial loss, and we falter and fall.  But we don't stay times....we claim His power in our lives, and we get up feeling His strength and we learn from the fall.

Dear Jesus, we do falter and fall, give us Your strength to keep getting up and continuing to be the example of your righteousness working in and through our lives.  Thank you for Your Word that it is always true and for the instruction it gives on how to live our lives.  We love You.  Amen.


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1 comment:

  1. We love In-N-Out Burgers so I'm glad to read this. Will check out the bottom of the cups from now on. Blessings to you and thanks be to the Lord for never giving up on us.


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