prayer is worship

"Be careful for  nothing; but in everything 
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
 let your requests be made known unto God'
(Philippians 4:6)


The word prayer in this passage of scripture is the  Greek word "proseuche". It is a general term for making requests to the LORD.

It also denotes the following definitions: to pray to God; to pray earnestly; to make prayer; supplicate; worship

So many times, we focus on prayer being a time to run to our Father and ask Him for things. We run to Him and make requests of Him. We do this when we are in crisis or have a deep need for something. 

I think it is highly important that we look at the last definition of the word prayer.  Worship. Prayer should always carry with it the idea of adoration, devotion and worship. Prayer ought to be our first course of action. Our first instinct. But not prayer in the requesting sense, but prayer in the sense of worship. 

We need to practice running to our Father and desiring to get into His Presence simply to do one thing. Worship Him for who He is. Worship Him to see His goodness and His mercy and His grace.  We need to eagerly approach His Throne with deep reverence for His power and sovereignty and with grateful hearts for what He has already done for us in our lives. 

If we spent more time on our faces praising Him, we wouldn't have to spend nearly as much time on our knees making requests of Him. Simply put, prayer is Worship. Let's practice that and be ready to be astounded at the change in our hearts and our lives!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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