spiritual quality of prayer

I love this quote by A.W. Tozer about prayer:

"The spiritual quality of a prayer is determined not by
its intensity but by its origin"

He says, that in evaluating prayer, we should inquire who is doing the praying - our determined hearts, or the Holy Spirit?

You see, our prayers should originate with the Spirit. The Word tells us in Romans 8:26, "We know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us."

In our flesh, we are unable to pray effectively. Our prayers become worldly and carnal. We can become victims of our own desires instead of willing servants to be yielded to the will of our Father. When we come before our Father in prayer, we need to be Spirit minded. We need to be focused on His will and His desire for our lives. We don't always know what that is, but the precious Holy Spirit does! Our way will always be lined with the selfish desires of our heart, but His way will always be for our best and for His kingdom glory!

Let's be mindful of this when we bow our hearts in prayer to our God. Let's always be yielded to Him and allow His Spirit to move within us and voice our petition. We know that His way is always the best way and if we submit ourselves to Him and His Holy Spirit, our hearts will be one with Him and His desires for us will become our desires as well.


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