Our strength is from Him

"He comforts us in all our affliction, so that
we may be able to comfort those who
are in any kind of affliction, through 
the comfort we ourselves receive from God."
(2 Corinthians 1:4)


Our strength certainly doesn't come from within our own selves. Our strength is completely dependent on the strength of our God in us. We tap into that strength that we didn't even know we had, when we rely on Him in times of trial. When we let Him handle the situation for us. When we place our trust in Him and only Him. And it is that strength that He then uses in us that will enable us to minister to others in need. 

Lord, help us see that our strength is truly in You. You are the one that enables us to endure trial and tribulation. You are the one that empowers us to minister to others. You are our strength and our comfort and for that we are grateful. Thank you, Lord, for wisdom and discernment to be able to minister to others in their time of need.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Hi Beth, visiting from White Lace and Promises and my eye immed. went to, One Blessed Nana. Love that name...Nana! Enjoyed your post today as well. The Lord's strength is all I can depend on during trials of life that is for sure! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thankful for His Word and the promises of His strength!


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