greatest need

"God forbid that I should sin
against the Lord in ceasing to 
pray for you: but I will teach 
you the good and the right way"
(1 Samuel 12:23)

The Word of God and prayer go hand in hand. The greatest need our nation has is prayer. The greatest need our churches have is prayer. The greatest need of our children is prayer. The Word teaches us over and over that prayer is the key to a right relationship with God. If we keep ourselves in the Word and we maintain an attitude of prayer with our God at all times, we will be strengthened in our faith and able to withstand the wiles of the devil, and we will be victorious in our Christian walk. 

We must read the Truth and we must practice the Truth, but the only way we will be able to be empowered to do so is by talking to our Lord and Savior. It is only by our intimate prayer time that we will gain wisdom and strength.

Lord, help us to keep ourselves in a continual state of prayer. Help us to see that our greatest blessing will come from a relationship with you that is developed in our personal prayer time. Give us the desire to communicate with you and then fill us with your Holy Spirit as we do so.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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