do you want a breakthrough?

Heavenly Father, break me, expose my sin to me, empower me to repent of my sin, help me to seek Your face. Fill me with tears and a heart for personal revival, church revival, nationwide revival, and global revival. God, endow me with the authority and power of Jesus Christ in everything I do. Help me to know Your holiness, whatever the cost. I am willing to pay the price for being in Your presence. God, pour out Your Spirit in such a way that a mighty revival and an awakening to Your power will break out among those who hear the message. Revive my heart, fill my mouth with so much Jesus that I will tell everyone I meet of my Savior and His love for them and how you can bring hope and healing to their shattered lives. Show me Your holiness.

(Prayer for spiritual breakthrough taken from 'the Power of Prayer and Fasting' by Ronnie Floyd)


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