Help me to think before I speak ...

Dear God,

People can be so mean to one another through their thoughtless words. It has happened to me...and at times I may have caused pain on others through words I've uttered.

Please help me to think before I speak.

I pray that I will always think of others and their needs, their hurts, their circumstances, even their personalities in the way I speak and respond.

I pray that every brother and sister in Christ would speak words of encouragement, exhortation, and the truth in love.

If there is a need for confrontation, may it be through following biblical principles that the name of Jesus be lifted up and that you will be glorified through it all.

May I never be rude or uncaring and may I never say words that leave that impression.

Thank you for helping me and for blessing me. In the name of Jesus I come to you.

... a prayer offered last week by my niece Maria.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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