He hears

The bible tells us to "pray without ceasing". Several times in the scriptures we see the phrase 'pray always'. God is showing us over and over in His Word the importance of keeping in touch with Him through prayer at all times. It is about developing a posture of prayer. It is about being in tune with the Holy Spirit at all times. It is about being in a prayerful attitude as we go about our daily lives.

If we don't activate the privilege of prayer in our lives, we won't be effective in the Kingdom. It is imperative that we are ever mindful of God and the power that He bestows upon us through His precious Holy Spirit. The power that is made evident in effectual and fervent prayer. God has given us the amazing gift of communication with Him through our utterances of prayer. 

The beautiful thing about prayer? We know that He hears and that He responds. We know that He cares and that He reaches down and ministers. How do we know? His Word tells us that very truth.

"In my distress I cried unto the LORD,
and He heard me."
(Psalm 120:1)

Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers....


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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