He giveth more grace

"He giveth more grace when the
burden grows greater;
He sendeth more strength 
when the labors increase.
To added affliction He addeth
His mercy;
To multiplied trials,
His multiplied peace.

I love these words by Annie Flint (1866-1932). They certainly express the cries of my heart this past week. Last Saturday, my middle daughter, Melissa, sends me a text of the outside of her Mass Avenue apartment building in Boston. There were firetrucks everywhere and soon it became apparent that her 4th floor condo was right below a huge, raging fire that started on the 5th floor and soon engulfed the top 3 floors. It was several days before Melissa was allowed back in her apartment to access damages. For 3 days all she had was the clothes she was wearing,  her debit card and her cell phone. Much of her things were lost to smoke and to water. She now has no place to live and only a few more days to retrieve what is still in the apartment. For a grad student with limited funds and who is living over 1500 miles from her family, this is devastating. 

But through it all, God has given us this grace that Annie writes of and that our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ dispenses so generously. He sends us strength just when we need it. He takes us 'strength to strength' is what the Psalmist tells in Psalm 84:7. Indeed, He has done this for Melissa and for her mama and and daddy this past week. We have sweet peace that only comes from Him.

If you don't know this mighty and powerful God that we serve and you don't know this mighty love that He has for you, I pray that you will begin seeking Him with all of your heart and that He will reveal Himself to you in all His glory.


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  1. Sometimes it's from strength to strength we sometimes go. I know what's it's like to be so far away from your children when they need you. My heart hurts for you both. Said a prayer for you both.

  2. Me encantan las fotografías, son geniales. Ha estado un regalo el visitar tu bloc, te invito visitar el mio y si te gusta espero que te hagas seguidora.


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