Grace for the Answer

Dear Lord,
You are answering prayers in ways that are hard. I pray, dear Father, for grace to face the days ahead when the future appears dismal and discouraging. Help us to remember that there is always hope in Christ and that You are always near, especially when the storm is raging. I ask strength and tenderness for my son. I pray his broken heart leads him to true repentance. I pray for my "favorite" daughter in law (aren't they all?), that you would draw her close to You and change the desires of her heart. I pray healing for the wounds of her soul, for forgiveness in her heart, and courage to face the future. And I pray for my little grandchildren as they witness the crumbling of their home. I pray You would protect them from the wiles of the devil, that You would put peace into their little hearts, and that they would come to know You in an intimate way. And lastly, I pray that You would guard the words on our tongues and in our hearts that those who surround this hurting family would speak restoration to this family.

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