God's Work

Dear Father,
Please forgive my unbelieving heart. When will I learn that nothing is impossible for You? You are working, You are answering prayers, You are beginning the healing process. It will be long and painful, I know this, but things didn't get this way overnight either. I thank You, Lord, for my son's broken heart. I thank You for the pain and sorrow that are leading him back to You. I am his mom and this is a hard thing to watch. I so want to take his pain away and make everything right again, but doing that (although I know it is impossible) would not cause him to learn the hard lessons of life. Instead of asking for the pain to go away, I ask for true repentance, for the slow and gradual forgiveness of those he has wounded deeply, and for more and more wisdom for his father and I as we seek to be a place of refuge and source of unconditional love for him.
Thank you, Lord, for the hugs these past few days, the kind I've missed from him these past two years. I don't know how You are going to work things out, and I don't need to know, so please help me to trust that though the carpet has been ripped out from under him, You have a plan.

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