Friday began a 24 hour prayer vigil at our Church.  They had one hour time slots for the congregation to fill in for prayer around the clock.  I had from 2 to 4 pm and it was such a blessing.  I was alone in the Sanctuary, with my prayer books and journals.  This stained glass window at the front of the room gave a beautiful but "hush" to the our House of Worship.

Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to spend some time today in the quiet of your house, just You and me and the prayers coming from my heart and off my lips.  Praying for each family in the church.  Praying for all my family members.  Praying for the requests of some dear friends.  Jesus, I know you heard each word, and when I didn't know what to pray you filled in the words and you will accomplish Your will in each of those requests.  Thanks you for a Day of Prayer. It was good to be in the House of the Lord today.  I love you Jesus.  Amen.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. How awesome that we are invited into the holy of holies!

  2. So good to connect with other women of faith. I am a PK and my husband and I have been in youth ministry for 35 + years. Blessings to you!

    Bonnie at White Lace and Promises


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