God's POWER in our lives

"Be exalted, O LORD, in your
strength! We will sing and
praise your power."
(Psalm 21:13)


God's POWER is greater than any other power. If we desire to truly tap into that power in our lives, we must begin to know Him deeper and higher and wider than anything else that exists. We must begin to build effective prayer lives. Effective praise lives. We must begin to acknowledge the greatness of His Power and begin applying it to our personal lives.  

All POWER belongs to Him. And all POWER comes from Him. 


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. I pray for a quiet spirit, that I can sit at Jesus' feet and hear Him.

  2. I pray for a quiet spirit, that I can sit at Jesus' feet and hear Him.

  3. I pray for a quiet spirit, that I can sit at Jesus' feet and hear Him.


Add a comment or request for prayer here.