I heard a wonderful message at my daughter's church last week, and it made quite an impression on me.  It has changed the way I've prayed this week.  I'm sharing some of the insights in my prayer this week.

Dear Lord, you have touch my heart this week through your servant who opened the Word of God and gave me some new nuggets from Your Word.  I need to be a person who loves what is right, and HURTS over what's wrong.  I need to be a person who wants to lead real change, starting with MYSELF.  I need to be a person who wants to make a DIFFERENCE.  Lord help me deal WISELY with my distractions.  Lord I need to be a person who TRUSTS You fully, and put my LIFE where my Faith is.  Thank You for preachers who open Your Word, and encourage our hearts to Love you more.  I want to make a difference in my world.  I do love you deeply and dearly.  Amen.


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