
Jehovah-Jireh is Hebrew for God our Provider. It literally tells us that our LORD will see our needs and He will provide for us. 

In Genesis 22, we see the familiar account of Abraham and Isaac. As we read this passage of scripture we see that God has given Abraham a command and we see the immediate, non-debated, non-delayed obedience on the part of Abraham. 

Verse 7 shows us the words of Isaac that have tugged on our heart strings every time we read them! "Behold the fire and the wood; but where is the lamb for a burnt-offering?" If Abraham was ever going to just cut and run, now would have been the time for that. But we see Abraham's response and it was one of confident Faith in His God.

"My Son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt-offering..."

God, through Abraham. provides a huge lesson in faith in these scriptures. Faith is not shown to be real until it is tested! We can say we have say we have faith all we want but until that faith is put to the test, it isn't real faith. 

One commentator says this, "God did not want Isaac's life, He wanted Abraham's heart!"

Oh, that we would give God our whole hearts like this! That we would obey without delay and without hesitation. That we would trust Him to provide that sacrifice!

Jehovah Jireh - God our Provider. Our Provider will always make provision for us according to His will and His purpose. 

Real Faith is not believing in spite of the evidence but obeying in spite of the consequences.  One commentator put it this way, "God did not want Isaac's life, He wanted Abraham's heart"

Oh, that we would give our Lord our whole hearts! That we will listen and trust and obey! God wants our hearts! He wants all of us. Surrendered. Unhindered. Sold-out for Him.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. May I focus on God with my whole heart!

  2. May I trust You Jehovah-Jireh to provide all my needs and give me divine direction and instruct and teach me in the way I should go, that I who delight myself in you will have the desires of my heart, and that I would be blessed with millions, and be completely delivered from synthetic mind control that two ex friends decided to do to me, with their moniters and microphones, may Jehovah Rapha destroy their equipment, and destroy these demon men,(Jehovah told me they are demons and theirs no chance for them and they need to be destroyed may this conspiracy that has been pitted against me be exposed, and may I go free and have a wife and life and that more abundantly, may my days be as days of Heaven on earth in Yeshua Ha' Mashiach's Name...Amen and Amen


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