The Sigh of My Heart

Psalm 119:5 (ESV)
   Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes!

Spurgeon comments on this prayer:
   “The sigh of the text is really a prayer, though it does not exactly take that form. Desires and longings are of the essence of supplication, and it little matters what shape they take. "O that" is as acceptable a prayer as "Our Father."

John Gill further explains:
   “The psalmist, sensible of his own inability, as every good man is, to keep the commands of God, prays for grace, direction, and assistance in it; that the ways of his mind, his thoughts, affections, and inclinations, might be directed to an observance of the divine precepts….”

   Father, I absolutely sense this need in my walk with You. That you grant me the ability and strength through Your Spirit to so live daily as to find compliance and comfort in obeying your Word. The Psalmist is so wise in understanding his own inability and Your total sufficiency in granting him the desire of his heart.

   So Father, I also pray that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes! It is the way of peace as I live to please You. It is the sigh of my heart.


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