pray for a seeking heart

We are driven by our thirst for the cool water that
springs forth from the Fountain of the Living God.

We yearn. We long. 
and therefore, we SEEK.

We find Him and are never satisfied.

We seek Him again and again.

Too often, we seek Him and find Him and so we seek no more.
What a tragedy! The fulfilling, growing, mind-blowing, spirit-filled
life is one that is found by seeking Him and finding Him and then seeking Him some more!

We were created to long for Him. To worship the Creator with all of our hearts. To worship Him with expectancy of spirit.

A furious longing.

To seek Him with fervor!

He should be unrivaled in our affection and our worship.

We need to search for Him in-depth and in great need.


And then when we find Him, we will desire to keep searching. To keep seeking. To keep yearning for more of the One True God that will satisfy our deepest needs. 

Seek Him and you will find Him.

"And you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all of your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13


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