We have a Cactus on our back fence and once in a while it blooms.  The pod shows up, and the next day you have this beautiful bloom, and then "poof" within a few hours, less than a's gone. Swivilled up to nothing.

I took this picture this morning, and by nightfall it will be gone.  It made me think of praying.  We might tell someone with all good intentions we will pray for them...and then "poof" we forget, and the moment has passed and a blessing lost. 

Dear Lord, help me daily to seize the moments to come to you in prayer.  For the little things in life and the large ones.  Help me to pray for those I love and care about, and not let a fleeting moment pass that I can lift someone up in prayer. Thank you for always listening, and ready to give us an answer and the grace to accept that answer.  I love You.  Amen.


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